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In the Accelerating Shift from Linear to CTV, Advertisers Must Prioritize Progress Over Perfection


流媒体的收视率最近首次超过了有线电视在美国,CTV正成为广告商的首选. 随着消费者不断改变他们看电视的方式——在电视直播和视频点播之间切换, linear and digital – advertisers must adapt to meet the moment or risk being left behind by the viewers they need to reach.

有了比以往更多的接触消费者的方式, advertisers must make sure that they are creating a truly consumer-first approach and should look no further than the massive shift from desktop to mobile as an example of how to navigate the evolution of consumer habits.


在手机出现之前, 广告商把大部分的钱和注意力都花在了桌面和显示器上. 如今,手机几乎是每个人的主屏幕 2021年,美国人将三分之一的醒着时间花在移动设备上. 尽管消费者很快将注意力转移到了手机上, marketers initially dragged their feet on evolving their strategies and spend to include this new platform.

随着手机的普及, marketers found themselves holding back because they weren’t able to measure holistically or attain attribution through models that were designed for desktop. 针对, 测量, standardization and brand safety were all areas of concern for advertisers who were not quite ready to make the jump. 虽然这些都是现实问题, marketers who waited for ideal 测量 and standardization missed the full audience reach. 我们在线性电视和CTV之间的旅程中再次看到广告商的相同模式.


我们知道,今天的消费者流媒体的数量很高,而 CTV广告支出预计将增长14%.今年4%, marketers must learn from recent history and meet their evolving audiences without hesitation. 从广告商的角度来看, the rise of CTV is very similar to the launch of mobile – when advertisers only had impressions to rely on without 测量 or attribution. So while viewers are watching TV in any format – it’s all TV to them – marketers hesitated to invest due to the lack of sophisticated data and insights.

当这些类型的行业发生转变时, 应对之策应该是把进步置于完美之上. 通过等待测量和标准化的完善, advertisers are missing out on major opportunities to reach larger audiences in impactful ways. 如今,行业中有如此多的参与者提供独特的见解和解决方案, 广告商必须确定能够提供见解的战略合作伙伴, data, 以及正确的指标来显示CTV广告的影响.


像桌面, 线性电视 still holds value for advertisers even though streaming now holds a large piece of the pie. 根据尼尔森, 线性电视, and ad-supported streaming services actually reach nearly the same amount of people across ages .

当广告跨越线性和数字, addressable can be used as a unifying strategy to reach an audience holistically across multiple channels. 通过结合线性的规模和数字的目标, marketers can hone in on specific audience segments and key demos while improving efficiency and reach. This allows marketers to reach millions more viewers while controlling audience overlap and effectively measuring outcomes. 很明显,传统电视已经改变了, CTV的世界正在迅速发展, 但营销人员不应该拖延时间去满足受众的需求.


随着行业的不断变化, the key for advertisers is to prioritize progress over perfection and take lessons learned from the desktop to mobile shift into their ongoing journey between linear and CTV. 太多的营销人员错过了接触更大的市场, 更多样化的受众,因为他们等待了太长时间才接受未知的手机和CTV.

今天, the most successful advertisers are the ones who prioritize industry progress and are not afraid to embrace new technology and shift their dollars accordingly. 虽然每个品牌的营销策略都是独一无二的, 那些清楚地知道他们的受众在哪里的人——无论是线性的, 流媒体或两者兼而有之——都将从中受益. 如果营销人员重复自己的历史,坚持追求完美, 他们可能会被抛在后面,错过他们需要接触的消费者.

[编者注:这是来自 DIRECTV. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Mitch Eisenberg of Alliant discusses how a 35-year-old piece of legislation—the Video Privacy Protection Act (VPPA)—is sparking lawsuits and sowing confusion within the CTV and video ad space, and he outlines some safe and practical strategies that marketers can take to navigate the VPPA and reach the audiences that matter most to them.


YouTube可能太大了,不容忽视. The question for advertisers might be - is it so big that it doesn't have to play by the rules? Hunter Terry of Lotame discusses many of the unusual and unexpected advertising advantages that YouTube currently possesses and what that means for the overall CTV advertising industry.


Gen Z's preference for streaming and digital devices has driven the growth of Connected TV (CTV) as advertisers focus on delivering personalized and authentic ads through CTV to target this generation. Gijsbert Pols of Adjust discusses how advertisers are shifting budgets towards CTV due to its advanced metrics, 实时数据, 以及用量身定制的内容吸引Z世代的能力, 使其成为广告增长的关键驱动力.


雅安Hinard, withbe首席运营官, 概述了为什么真实设备上的广告监控对OTT性能至关重要


长期以来,广播电视一直是建立品牌知名度的最有效媒介. 仍然, 它被认为是出了名的难以购买, 通常被认为是大品牌大预算的专利. But Brian Thoman of WideOrbit says that new marketplace technologies are making broadcast TV easier to buy than ever before, 在本文中, 他揭露了关于广播电视广告和市场购买的7大误区.


安德烈Kazakov, AppLovin的需求副总裁, discusses how the CTV Halo Effect is paving the way for advertisers to access new marketing avenues, 扩大双方的影响力, 可访问性, and creating new opportunities for cross-platform campaigns while opening more ways to guide consumers through the conversion funnels and drive high-value, 下漏斗转换事件.


布列塔尼的权力, Alliant高级电视的主管, discusses the issues with streaming and CTV advertising around who is in charge of dictating and executing audience targeting strategies, 她还概述了品牌的前进道路, 机构, 流媒体平台.

华纳兄弟. 发现号宣布新的测量结果 & 归因合作伙伴为广告主提供广告活动效果洞察

全球媒体 & entertainment company welcomes six partners to demonstrate full-funnel impact of advertising campaigns across portfolio of premium entertainment, 体育, 新闻 & 生活方式品牌


标记物后, SymphonyAI Media首席执行官, discusses why a "wait and see" approach is a toxic combination for media executives sitting on troves of data.


现代电视广告正处于成长期. Advertisers face new challenges as the landscape shifts from broadcast and cable to a new world of AVOD and FAST. Waymark的Asrah Mohammed讨论了情境定位, 这一策略可以帮助我们驾驭这一新局面.


The first article in a series sponsored by Progress Partners and its Executive-in-Residence program addressing the big questions the streaming industry is grappling with regarding advertising metrics.

啤酒,赌博,流媒体,我的天! 超级碗广告分析

超级碗广告, 虽然样本相对较小, 是整体广告需求趋势的良好指标吗. 来自AdImpact的John Link回顾了过去三年, 趋势很明显:加密货币和与新冠病毒相关的一些类别的公益广告正在减弱, 大部分被体育博彩和流媒体等新类别所取代, 在QSR和啤酒等老牌品类中,竞争更加激烈.


Despite a worldwide ad spending slowdown, CTV is expected to continue its meteoric growth into 2023. 尽管CTV如此受欢迎,但它不受开支削减的影响, 它仍然存在问题, 尤其是在品牌安全方面, 适用性, 数据透明度. Peer39首席执行官Mario Diez讨论了CTV目前面临的挑战.


Greg Morrow of Bitcentral looks at how publishers now need a "swiss army knife" of tools to realize their advertising potential. 内容以不同的形式传播到如此多的分发点, 发行商现在需要为各自整合一个独立的工具集,以便在当今的市场中茁壮成长.